rainbow coloured wool pompom collar for dogs laid out attractively on a natural wood background with
All our products are Beautifully Handcrafted in Co. Wicklow using a Unique Woven technique. We use only 100% Cotton Cord & Hemp Rope which is Biodegradable and Plastic Free. Our Metal Hardware is
Recyclable & Reusable.

Make + Eco = Makeeco!
Makeeco was inspired by a wish to work in a more ethical and environmentally conscious way, along with an adoration of all animals, particularly dogs and cats.
Every Makeeco piece is lovingly handmade with an eco-conscious approach from start to finish in our small studio in the Wicklow countryside. We strongly believe we can give the best to our most loyal companions without it being at the expense of the planet.
We have researched and sourced ecologically friendly materials to create the beautiful and durable products that you see here on this site.
We use Organic Cotton produced in Poland, Natural Hemp Rope from Germany, Hemp Cord sourced from The Netherlands and our fully metal hardware comes from Czechia.
I love what I do and hope that you do too!